

  • FOCAPD 2024 Poster Award

    • Congratulations to Hasan Nikkhah and Dev Barocha for having your poster selected as one of the best at the FOCAPD 2024 conference.
  • FOCAPD 2024

    • MadeAI 2024

      • We are attending Modelling, Data Analytics and AI in Engineering with the following contribution:
        • Cohen B, Beykal B, Bollas GM. “Surrogate Solutions to Partial Differential Equations and the Inverse Problem with Symbolic Regression”.MadeAI 2024, Porto, Portugal.
        • Research  Excellence Awards

          • Congratulations to Hasan Nikkhah for being awarded the Research Excellence Awards from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
        • 245th ECS Meeting

          • We are attending 245th ECS Meeting with the following contributions:
            • Sanumi OJ, Schneider P, Batool M, Godoy AO, Singh R, Gerteisen D, Beykal B, Zamel N, Jankovic J. “Degradation Studies of Fuel Cell Cathode Catalyst Layers Using Machine Learning”
        • 2024 Frontiers

          • We are attending 2024 Frontiers at the University of Connecticut with the following contributions:
            • Balamurugan R, Nikkhah H, Beykal B. “Utilizing Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) In Wastewater Treatment”.
        • Welcome to the newest team member

          • Cameron Hubbard just joined the Hybrid Modeling & Systems Engineering Laboratory as a new Research Technician. Welcome Cameron!
        • Teaching Assistant Awards

          • Congratulations to Amir Shahbazi for being awarded the Outstanding TA Award from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
        • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory DDPS Seminar Series

          • Dr. Beykal will be attending at Data-Driven Physical Simulations (DDPS) seminar series by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with the following presentation:
            • “A Data-Driven Physical Simulation Engineering Approach for Supply Chain Management and Enterprise-Wide Optimization”.
        • C2E2 GA Research Summit in Sustainability

          • We are attending UConn Center for Clean Energy Engineering GA Research Summit in Sustainability with the following contributions:
            • Cohen B, Beykal B, Bollas GM. “Symbolic Regression for Interpretable Surrogate Modeling of Clean Energy Systems”.
            • Barochia D, Nikkhah H, Beykal B. “Design and Optimization of a Multipurpose Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination Plan”.
        • Uconn COE Poster Competition

          • We are attending UConn College of Engineering poster competition with the following contributions:
            • Cohen B, Beykal B, Bollas GM. “Discovering Partial Differential Equation Solutions using Symbolic Regression”.
            • Shahbazi A, Beykal B. “Predicting Kinetic & Thermodynamic Parameters of Biodiesel Production from Enteromorpha Compressa Microalgae using Evolutionary Algorithms”.


            • NIEHS Superfund Research Program

              • We are attending NIEHS Superfund Research program Annual Meeting with the following contribution:
                • Iseri F, Ali M, Mustapha TA, Aghayev Z, Beykal B, Johnson NM, Pistikopoulos EN. “A Data-Driven Framework for Characterizing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)”.
            • IEEE CDC 2023

              • We are attending 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control with the following contribution:
                • Cohen B, Beykal B, Bollas GM. “Dynamic System Identification from Scarce and Noisy Data Using Symbolic Regression”.
              • Welcome to the newest team member

                • The newest graduate student, Amir Shahbazi just joined the Hybrid Modeling & Systems Engineering Laboratory. Welcome Amir!
              • AIChE 2023

                • Dr. Beykal, Hasan, and Zahir will be attending AIChE Annual Meeting with the following contributions:
                  • Nikkhah H, Beykal B. “Process Design of a LiBr Absorption Chiller Integrated Hdh-Mee-Mvr System for Zero Liquid Discharge Seawater Desalination”.
                  • Nikkhah H, Charitopoulos VM, Avraamidou S, Beykal B. “Data-Driven Optimization of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Integrated Planning and Scheduling Problems for Multiproduct Manufacturing Processes”.
                  • Aghayev Z, Walker GF, Iseri F, Ali M, Szafran AT, Stossi F, Mancini MA, Pistikopoulos EN, Beykal B. “Computational Characterization of the Estrogenic Activity of Environmental Chemicals Using High-Throughput Microscopy and Machine Learning”.
                  • Aghayev Z, Voulanas D, Badawi D, Gildin E, Beykal B. “Data-Driven Optimization of Highly Constrained Oil Recovery Processes Using Neural Network Surrogate Models and Classification Based Implicit Constraint Handling Schemes”.
                  • Ali M, Iseri F, Mustapha T, Aghayev Z, Beykal B, Wright FA, Johnson NM, Pistikopoulos EN. “Data Driven Framework for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Characterization”.
              • INFORMS 2023

                • Dr. Beykal, Hasan, and Ben attended  INFORMS Annual Meeting with the following contributions:
                  • H Nikkhah, VM Charitopoulos, S Avraamidou, B Beykal. “Data-Driven Bilevel Optimization of Integrated Planning and Scheduling Problems with Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Lower-Level Formulations”.
                  • B Cohen, N Aslam, B Beykal, GM Bollas. “Learning Human-Interpretable Models Using Machine Learning and a Smooth Information Criterion”.
                • UConn Separations Workshop

                  • Hasan will be presenting his work on “Integrated HDH-MEE-MVR System with LiBr Absorption Chiller for Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination: Process Design and Techno-economic Analysis” at the 2nd Industrial Workshop on Separations Technology.
                • Clean Energy & Sustainability Innovation Challenge

                  • Hasan and Dev, in collaboration with Francesco Rouhana from Civil and Environmental Engineering, presented their project, “Technical and Social Solutions for a Sustainable UConn” at the Sustainable Clean Energy Summit: Decarbonizing Society and the Grid. They were previously selected as finalists in the Clean Energy & Sustainability Innovation Program. Read more on UConn Today.
                • WiSFiRE 2023

                  • Dr. Beykal participated at the Women in STEM Frontiers in Research Expo on “Data Analytics Inspired Process Systems Engineering”.
                • ECCE&ECAB 2023

                  • We are attending the 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology with the following contribution:
                    • Ben Cohen, Burcu Beykal, George Bollas. “DiscoPy: Discovery of Chemical Reactor Dynamics through Symbolic Regression
                • ACS Fall 2023

                  • We are attending the ACS Fall 2023 meeting with the following contribution:
                    • Zahir Aghayev, G. Fuller Walker, Funda Iseri, Moustafa Ali, Adam T. Szafran, Fabio Stossi, Michael A. Mancini, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Burcu Beykal. “Predicting the Estrogenic Potential of Chemical Contaminants through High- throughput Image Analysis and Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms”
                • FOPAM 2023

                  • We are attending the FOPAM 2023 meeting with the following contribution:
                    • Hasan Nikkhah, Vasileios M. Charitopoulos, Styliani Avraamidou, Burcu Beykal. “Integrated Planning and Scheduling for Crude Oil Operations Using Data-Driven Bilevel Multi-Follower Optimization
                • ESCAPE-33

                  • We are attending the ESCAPE-33 conference with the following contribution:
                    • Zahir Aghayev, G. Fuller Walker, Funda Iseri, Moustafa Ali, Adam T. Szafran, Fabio Stossi, Michael A. Mancini, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Burcu Beykal. “Binary Classification of the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Artificial Neural Networks”
                • Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Teaching Fellow

                  • Congratulations to Hasan Nikkhah for being selected as the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Teaching Fellow.
                • Teaching Assistant Awards

                  • Congratulations to Hasan Nikkhah for being awarded the 3rd place in TA Awards from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
                • Our group has participated at the Frontiers Poster Exhibition with the following contribution:

                  • Katherine Pettersen, Hasan Nikkhah Burcu Beykal. “Optimizing Municipal Wastewater Treatment through Biological Modeling and Simulation”
                • Poster Award

                  • Congratulations to Benjamin Cohen for receiving the First Place Poster Award at the 9th Annual School of Engineering Poster Competition with his work on “Automatic Discovery of Partial Differential Equation Models from Broadly Spaced Data”.
                • Our group has participated at the 9th Annual School of Engineering Poster Competition with the following contributions:

                  • Zahir Aghayev, Adam T. Szafran, Anh Tran, Hari S. Ganesh, Fabio Stossi, Lan Zhou, Michael A. Mancini, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Burcu Beykal. “Machine Learning Methods for Endocrine Disrupting Potential Identification Based on Single-Cell Data.”
                  • Benjamin Cohen, Burcu Beykal, George Bollas. “Automatic Discovery of Partial Differential Equation Models from Broadly Spaced Data.
                  • Hasan Nikkhah, Burcu Beykal. “Multipurpose Desalination Plant: Simultaneous Air Conditioning, Desalination, and Zero Liquid Discharge.”


                • Predoctoral Travel Award

                  • Congratulations to Zahir Aghayev for receiving the Predoctoral Travel Award from the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at University of Connecticut.
                • 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting

                  • We are attending the 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting with the following contributions:
                    • Zahir Aghayev, Adam T. Szafran, Anh Tran, Hari S. Ganesh, Fabio Stossi, Lan Zhou, Michael A. Mancini, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Burcu Beykal. “Nonlinear Modeling of the Estrogen Receptor Activity of Environmental Chemicals Using Classification Algorithms and Single-Cell Level Data”
                    • Benjamin Cohen, Burcu Beykal, George M. Bollas. “Recovery of Transparent Dynamic Models from Black-Box Systems Using Symbolic Regression”
                • The University of Wisconsin-Madison Computing in Engineering Forum

                  • Dr. Beykal will be giving a talk on “Data-driven Stochastic Optimization of the Steam Cracking Process with Implicit Constraints” in the Computing for Sustainability track at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Computing in Engineering Forum 2022. Check out the event details on the Grainger Institute for Engineering’s website.
                • WiSFiRE 2022

                  • Dr. Beykal will be speaking at the Women in STEM Frontiers in Research Expo on “Data Analytics Inspired Process Systems Engineering”. Check out the details on the event website.
                • Our group is attending the 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2021+) with the following contribution:

                  • Burcu Beykal, Zahir Aghayev, Onur Onel, Melis Onel, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos. “Data-driven Stochastic Optimization of Numerically Infeasible Differential Algebraic Equations: An Application to the Steam Cracking Process”
                • Our group is attending the 32nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-32) with the following contributions:

                  • Marcello Di Martino, Iosif Pappas, Anh Tran, R. Cory Allen, Russell R. Husfeld, Sam Eleff, Scott G. Moffatt, Styliani Avraamidou, Burcu Beykal, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos. “A Framework to Facilitate Decision Making for Infrastructure Options Analysis of Distribution and Utilities Systems in Chemical Production Plants”
                  • Burcu Beykal, Nikolaos A. Diangelakis, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos. “Continuous-Time Surrogate Models for Data-Driven Dynamic Optimization”
                • Teaching Assistant Awards

                  • Warmest congratulations to Zahir Aghayev, Benjamin Cohen, Hasan Nikkhah for being awarded the 2nd place in TA Awards from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
                • C2E2 Clean Energy Symposium Poster Award

                  • Warmest congratulations to Benjamin Cohen for being awarded the 3rd place in the C2E2 Clean Energy Symposium with his work on “Recovery of Transparent Dynamic Models from Black-Box Systems using Symbolic Regression”.
                • Our group attended the C2E2 Clean Energy Symposium with the following contributions:

                  • Benjamin Cohen, Burcu Beykal, George Bollas. “Recovery of Transparent Dynamic Models from Black-Box Systems using Symbolic Regression”
                  • Hasan Nikkhah, Hamid Ziloui, Burcu Beykal. “Using Immobilized Lipase as Biocatalyst for Production of Biodiesel”
                  • Zahir Aghayev, Onur Onel, Melis Onel, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Burcu Beykal. “Data-driven Stochastic Optimization of Numerically Infeasible Differential Algebraic Equations: An Application to the Steam Cracking Process”
                • Our group has participated at the Spring Frontiers with the following contribution:

                  • Bradley Stutzman, Burcu Beykal. “Surrogate Modeling of Chemical Processes using Optimal Neural Networks”
                • Our group has participated at the 8th Annual School of Engineering Poster Competition with the following contributions:

                  • Zahir Aghayev, Adam T. Szafran, Anh Tran, Hari S. Ganesh, Fabio Stossi, Lan Zhou, Michael A. Mancini, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Burcu Beykal. “Machine-Learning Inspired Classification of the Estrogen Receptor Activity of Environmental Chemicals Based on the Single-Cell Level Data”
                  • Hasan Nikkhah, Burcu Beykal. “An Economical and Environmentally Friendly Process for Bioethanol Purification”


                • Our group will be attending the 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting with the following contributions:

                  • Burcu Beykal, Styliani Avraamidou, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos. “Simultaneous Planning and Scheduling Under Demand Uncertainty for Multi-Product Systems Using Data-Driven Bi-Level Optimization”
                  • Burcu Beykal, Nikolaos A. Diangelakis, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos. “Data-Driven Dynamic Optimization Using Continuous-Time Surrogate Models”
                  • Asuka Orr, Meichen Wang, Burcu Beykal, Hari S. Ganesh, Sara E. Hearon, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Timothy D. Phillips, Phanourios Tamamis. Predicting Chemical Adsorption Onto Montmorillonite Clays through a Combination of Experimental Isotherms, Minimalistic Simulations and Data-Driven Models”
                  • Dustin Kenefake, Iosif Pappas, Styliani Avraamidou, Burcu Beykal, Hari S. Ganesh, Yanan Cao, Yajun Wang, Simon Leyland, Jesus Flores-Cerrillo, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos. “Smart Manufacturing and Optimal Operation of an Industrial Air Separation Unit Via Surrogate Modeling and Multiparametric Programming”
                • Workshop on Data Analysis in R

                  • Professor Beykal will be giving a workshop with Dr. Fred Wright—North Carolina State University and Dr. Allison Dickey—North Carolina State University on “Manipulating and Displaying Big(ish) Data in R”. Check out the details on the Texas A&M Superfund Website.
                • Professor Beykal mentioned in the UConn School of Engineering News

                  • Poster Award Featured in the NIEHS Superfund Research Program Newsletter

                    • Our poster award received at the 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting is featured in the SRP e-Posted Notes.


                  • 2020 CAST Directors’ Award for an Outstanding Poster

                    • Our work on “Data-Driven Optimization of Integrated Planning and Scheduling Problems Under Demand Uncertainty” won the 2020 CAST Directors’ Award for an outstanding poster presented at the 2020 AIChE Annual Meeting! Check out the tweet by the AIChE CAST Division for more details and the award ceremony pictures from the 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting.