Curriculum Vitæ

Burcu Beykal

Burcu Beykal, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Center for Clean Energy Engineering
University of Connecticut

191 Auditorium Rd Unit 3222
Storrs CT, 06269-3222


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Burcu Beykal



Surrogate modeling; Mathematical programming; Nonlinear optimization; Bi-level optimization; Multi-objective optimization; Regression analysis; Classification analysis; Clustering analysis; Process Design.


Energy systems design; Supply chain optimization; Desalination; Wastewater treatment; Oil production optimization; Food-Energy-Water nexus;  Steam cracker design & operation; Environmental & biological modeling of toxicants.


Texas A&M University, College Station, TX                                                                                            May 2020
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Efstratios N. (Stratos) Pistikopoulos
Thesis Title: Advances in Data-Driven Modeling and Global Optimization of Constrained Grey-Box Computational Systems

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA                                                                                           Dec 2014
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Meagan S. Mauter
Thesis Title: Fouling Studies on Capacitive Deionization Electrodes: Experimental Analysis of Protein Adsorption to Charged Surfaces

Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey                                                                                                              Jun 2013
Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering

  • Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Class Ranking: 1/27
  • College of Engineering Class Ranking: 2/179
  • University Class Ranking: 10/673


  • Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut, Aug 2021 - Present
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M Energy Institute, Aug 2020 - Aug 2021
  • Optimization/LCA Intern, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company, May 2019 - Aug 2019
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Texas A&M University, Aug 2015 - May 2020
  • Researcher, Carnegie Mellon University, Feb 2015 - May 2015
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University, Aug 2013 - Dec 2014
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant, Koc University, Sep 2011 - Jun 2013
  • Visiting Research Intern, Georgia Institute of Technology, Aug 2012
  • Chemical Engineering Intern, Turkish Petroleum Refineries Company (TUPRAS), Jul 2011


  • ACS Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator Award, American Chemical Society
  • CAST Directors’ Award for Outstanding Poster, AIChE Computing & Systems Technology Division
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University
  • MIT Rising Stars in Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • INFORMS Python Competition - First Place, INFORMS Student Chapter at Texas A&M
  • Best Oral Presenter - Second Place, Texas A&M Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association (ChEGSA) Research Symposium
  • Young Researcher Travel Award, International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
  • Best Oral Presenter - Second Place, Texas A&M Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association (ChEGSA) Research Symposium
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Computers & Chemical Engineering
  • Best Oral Presentation Award, Texas A&M Conference on Energy
  • Dean’s Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Best Senior Design Project Award, Koc University
  • Fulbright Scholarship, The Turkish Fulbright Commission (declined in favor of the Dean’s Fellowship at Carnegie Mellon University)
  • High Academic Achievement Scholarship, Koc University
  • Vehbi Koc Honor Award, Koc University


  1. Hassan Nikkhah, Deniz Ipekci, Wenjun Xiang, Zachary Stoll, Pei Xu, Baikun Li, Jeffrey R. McCutcheon, B Beykal. Challenges and opportunities of recovering lithium from seawater, produced water, geothermal brines, and salt lakes using conventional and emerging technologies, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024,155349.
  2. B Cohen, B Beykal, G Bollas. Physics-informed genetic programming for discovery of partial differential equations from scarce and noisy data, Journal of Computational Physics, 2024, 514, 113261.
  3. Y Feng, Y Wang, B Beykal, Zh Xiao, Y Luo. Machine learning supported ground beef freshness monitoring based on near-infrared and paper chromogenic array, Food Frontiers, 2024, 1-12.
  4. KJ Rivenbark, LS Fawkes, H Nikkhah, M Wang, GT Sansom, B Beykal, TL Wade, TD Phillips. Using L. minor and C. elegans to assess the ecotoxicity of real-life contaminated soil samples and their remediation by clay- and carbon-based sorbents, Environmental Pollution, 2024, 347, 123762.
  5. KJ Rivenbark, H Nikkhah, M Wang, B Beykal, TD Phillips. Toxicity of representative organophosphate, organochlorine, phenylurea, dinitroaniline, carbamate, and viologen pesticides to the growth and survival of H. vulgaris, L. minor, and C. elegans, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024, 31, 21781–21796.
  6. M Wang, KJ Rivenbark, H Nikkhah, B Beykal, TD Phillips. In vitro and in vivo remediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances by processed and amended clays and activated carbon in soil, Applied Soil Ecology & Technology, 2024, 196, 105285.
  7. Y Feng, Y Wang, B Beykal, M Qiao, Z Xiao, Y Luo. A mechanistic review on machine learning-supported detection and analysis of volatile organic compounds for food quality. Trends in Food Science & Thecnology, 2024, 143, 104297.
  8. A Nikkhah, H Nikkhah, A Shahbazi, MKZ Zarin, D Beykal Iz, MT Ebadi, M Fakhroleslam, B Beykal. Cumin and eucalyptus essential oil standardization using fractional distillation: Data-driven optimization and techno-economic analysis. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2024, 143, 90-101.
  9. H Nikkhah, B Beykal B, MD Stuber. Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Single-Use Cardiopulmonary Bypass Devices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 425, 138815.
  10. Z Aghayev, AT Szafran, A Tran, HS Ganesh, F Stossi, L Zhou, MA Mancini, EN Pistikopoulos, B Beykal. Machine Learning Methods for Endocrine Disrupting Potential Identification Based on Single-Cell Data. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 281, 119086.
  11. H Nikkhah, B Beykal. Process Design and Technoeconomic Analysis for Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination via LiBr Absorption Chiller Integrated HDH-MEE-MVR System, Desalination, 2023, 558, 116643.
  12. D Kenefake, I Pappas, S Avraamidou, B Beykal, HS Ganesh, Y Cao, Y Wang, J Otashu, S Leyland, J Flores-Cerrillo, EN Pistikopoulos. A Smart Manufacturing Strategy for Multi-Parametric Model Predictive Control in Air Separation Systems, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 2022, 4(4), e10120.
  13. B Beykal, S Avraamidou, EN Pistikopoulos. Data-Driven Optimization of Mixed-integer Bi-level Multi-follower Integrated Planning and Scheduling Problems Under Demand Uncertainty, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2022, 156, 107551.
  14. I Pappas, S Avraamidou, J Katz, B Burnak, B Beykal, M Turkay, EN Pistikopoulos. Multiobjective Optimization of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Problems: A Multiparametric Optimization Approach, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60(23), 8493-8503.
  15. AA Orr, M Wang, B Beykal, HS Ganesh, S Hearon, EN Pistikopoulos, TD Phillips, P Tamamis. Combining Experimental Isotherms, Minimalistic Simulations, and a Model to Understand and Predict Chemical Adsorption onto Montmorillonite Clays, ACS Omega, 2021, 6(22), 14090-14103.
  16. R Mukherjee, B Beykal, AT Szafran, M Onel, F Stossi, MG Mancini, D Lloyd, FA Wright, L Zhou, MA Mancini, EN Pistikopoulos. Classification of Estrogenic Compounds by Coupling High Content Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms.  PLOS Computational Biology, 2020, 16(9), e1008191.
  17. K Bi, B Beykal, I Pappas, S Avraamidou, EN Pistikopoulos, T Qui. Integrated Modeling of Transfer Learning and Intelligent Heuristic Optimization for Steam Cracking Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(37), 16357-16367.
  18. B Beykal, M Onel, O Onel, EN Pistikopoulos. A Data-Driven Optimization Algorithm for Differential Algebraic Equations with Numerical Infeasibilities. AIChE Journal, 2020, 66(10), e16657.
  19. B Beykal, S Avraamidou, IPE Pistikopoulos, M Onel, EN Pistikopoulos. DOMINO: Data-driven Optimization of bi-level Mixed-Integer NOnlinear Problems. Journal of Global Optimization, 2020, 78, 1–36.
  20. M Onel, B Beykal, K Ferguson, WA Chiu, TJ McDonald, L Zhou, JS House, FA Wright, DA Sheen, I Rusyn, EN Pistikopoulos. Grouping of Complex Substances Using Analytical Chemistry Data: A Framework for Quantitative Evaluation and Visualization. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(10): e0223517.
  21. B Beykal, F Boukouvala, CA Floudas, EN Pistikopoulos. Optimal Design of Energy Systems Using Constrained Grey-Box Multi-Objective Optimization. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2018, 116, 488-502.
  22. B Beykal, F Boukouvala, CA Floudas, N Sorek, H Zalavadia, E Gildin. Global Optimization of Grey-Box Computational Systems Using Surrogate Functions and Application to Highly Constrained Oil-Field Operations. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2018, 114, 99-110.
  23. N Sorek, E Gildin, F Boukouvala, B Beykal, CA Floudas. Dimensionality Reduction for Production Optimization Using Polynomial Approximations. Computational Geosciences, 2017, 21, 247-266.
  24. B Beykal, M Herzberg, Y Oren, MS Mauter. Influence of Surface Charge on the Rate, Extent, and Structure of Adsorbed Bovine Serum Albumin to Gold Electrodes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 460, 321-328.
  25. E Uzunlar, B Beykal, K Ehrlich, D Sanli, A Jonáš, BE Alaca, A Kiraz, H Urey, C Erkey. Frequency Response of Microcantilevers Immersed in Gaseous, Liquid, and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2013, 81, 254-264.


  1. B Beykal, EN Pistikopoulos. Chapter 5 - Data-Driven Optimization Algorithms. Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing. ELSEVIER, 2024, Paperback ISBN: 9780323991346, eBook ISBN: 9780323996723 .


  1. H Nikkhak, V M. Charitopoulos, S Avraamidou, B Beykal. Bilevel optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear integrated planning and scheduling problems using the DOMINO framework, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering , 2024, 53, 1909-1914.
  2. B Cohen, B Beykal, G Bollas. Data-driven Discovery of Reaction Kinetic Models in Dynamic Plug Flow Reactors using Symbolic Regression, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering , 2024, 53, 2947-2952.
  3. B Cohen, B Beykal, G Bollas. Dynamic System Identification from Scarce and Noisy Data Using Symbolic Regression, 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) , 2023.
  4. Z Aghayev, GF Walker, F Iseri, M Ali, AT Szafran, A Tran, HS Ganesh, F Stossi, MA Mancini, EN Pistikopoulos, B Beykal. Binary Classification of the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Artificial Neural Networks, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 52, 2631-2636, Elsevier.
  5. M Di Martino, I Pappas, A Tran, RC Allen, RR Husfeld, S Eleff, SG Moffatt, S Avraamidou, B Beykal, EN Pistikopoulos. A Framework to Facilitate Decision Making for Infrastructure Options Analysis of Distribution and Utilities Systems in Chemical Production Plants, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2022, 51, 835-840, Elsevier.
  6. B Beykal, NA Diangelakis, EN Pistikopoulos. Continuous-Time Surrogate Models for Data- Driven Dynamic Optimization, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2022, 51, 205-210, Elsevier.
  7. B Beykal, Z Aghayev, O Onel, M Onel, EN Pistikopoulos. Data-driven Stochastic Optimization of Numerically Infeasible Differential Algebraic Equations: An Application to the Steam Cracking Process, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 49, 1579-1584.
  8. B Beykal, S Avraamidou, EN Pistikopoulos. Bi-level Mixed-Integer Data-Driven Optimization of Integrated Planning and Scheduling Problems, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2021, 50, 1707-1713, Elsevier.
  9. HS Ganesh, B Beykal, AT Szafran, F Stossi, L Zhou, MA Mancini, EN Pistikopoulos. Predicting the Estrogen Receptor Activity of Environmental Chemicals by Single-Cell Image Analysis and Data-driven Modeling, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2021, 50, 481-486, Elsevier.
  10. R Mukherjee, M Onel, B Beykal, AT Szafran, F Stossi, MA Mancini, L Zhou, FA Wright, EN Pistikopoulos. Development of the Texas A&M Superfund Research Program Computational Platform for Data Integration, Visualization, and Analysis. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2019, 46, 967-972, Elsevier.
  11. M Onel, B Beykal, M Wang, FA Grimm, L Zhou, FA Wright, TD Phillips, I Rusyn, EN Pistikopoulos. Optimal Chemical Grouping and Sorbent Material Design by Data Analysis, Modeling and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018, 43, 421-426, Elsevier.
  12. S Avraamidou, B Beykal, IPE Pistikopoulos, EN Pistikopoulos. A hierarchical Food-Energy-Water Nexus (FEW-N) Decision-making Approach for Land Use Optimization. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018, 44, 1885-1890, Elsevier.